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BlueFire F826P ZA Coarse Grit Fiber Disc, 5 In. Diameter

Category Sanding Disk

BlueFire F826P ZA Coarse Grit Fiber Disc, 5 In. Diameter

Item Code: NOR38562
Category Sanding Disk
Catalog Number 66261138562

Fetching product details


Select the optimal fiber disc for right angle grinder beveling, blending, stock removal and deburring when choosing the BlueFire F826P coarse grit fiber disc. The zirconia alumina abrasive blend provides a 15 percent faster cut rate, along with increased disc life and less power draw during use. A heavy fiber backing enhances the disc's strength and resists rips and tears, while advanced resin bond technology with grain adhesion extends the usability of each disc.


  • Abrasive Type : Coated
  • Arbor Hole : 7/8 in
  • Brand : Norton Abrasives
  • Category : Sanding Disk
  • Diameter : 5 in
  • Grade : Extra Coarse
  • Grit : 36
  • Maximum Speed : 10000 rpm
Starting from
$2.69 / EA
- +

BlueFire F826P ZA Coarse Grit Fiber Disc, 5 In. Diameter

Category Sanding Disk

BlueFire F826P ZA Coarse Grit Fiber Disc, 5 In. Diameter

Item Code: NOR38562
Category Sanding Disk
Catalog Number 66261138562

Fetching product details


Select the optimal fiber disc for right angle grinder beveling, blending, stock removal and deburring when choosing the BlueFire F826P coarse grit fiber disc. The zirconia alumina abrasive blend provides a 15 percent faster cut rate, along with increased disc life and less power draw during use. A heavy fiber backing enhances the disc's strength and resists rips and tears, while advanced resin bond technology with grain adhesion extends the usability of each disc.


  • Abrasive Type : Coated
  • Arbor Hole : 7/8 in
  • Brand : Norton Abrasives
  • Category : Sanding Disk
  • Diameter : 5 in
  • Grade : Extra Coarse
  • Grit : 36
  • Maximum Speed : 10000 rpm
Starting from
$2.69 / EA
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